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Master of Arts in Education Transcript

Fall 2014
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2015
Spring 2015
Summer 2015
TE 855

Teaching mathematics is sometimes very challenging because it is one of the most difficult subjects for students to understand and there are so many different controversies on how it is best to teach math to students.  There has been a constant debate about teaching rote memorization skills or teaching the material conceptually.  In this class we looked at different articles with research debating this differnt view points.  We also had to design our own research question to investigate in our own classrooms.  We had to research our question through different media sources and collect data from our students to write a research paper discussing any conclusions we found.

ED 870

This class was designed as a way to reflect on everything that we have learned and accomplished throughout the time of our graduate program.  We had to create this online portfolio by incorporating different pieces of artifacts that have been created from the classes we have taken.  Not only did we look back on the experiences and journey we have taken since beginning the program, we also looked at how this program will help us continue on as a life-long learner and to help us reach our future goals.

Michael Weiss, Fall 2015

Teaching School Mathematics

Matt Koehler, Fall 2015

Capstone Seminar

KIN 856

When coaching there are a lot of different aspects of the sport and the athletes that one has to learn in order to help the athletes improve their performance.  In this class we spent a lot of time understanding the athlete's body and all of the factors that affect their performance such as strength, nutrition, and technique.  We also looked at the anatomy of the body so that we can help our athlete's strengthen the correct muslces, joints, and bones for our specific sport.  Last but not least, we spent a lot of time focusing on the biomechanics of different sports because that also plays a significant role in performance enhancement.

Scott Riewald, Summer 2015

Physical Bases of Coaching Athletes

TE 846

A big misconception that a lot of students, parents, and teachers have is that they believe reading and writing are only to be taught in English class.  This is not true.  As a math teacher, I have noticed that a lot of the students who struggle with math also struggle with reading and writing.  Math, especially with the adoption of Common Core, involves a lot of reading and writing in story problems.  Therefore if they cannot read the problem, they are going to struggle to solve the problem.  In this literacy class I learned different ways to assess a student's reading level and areas of weakness, as well as ways to help students increase their reading and writing abilities in my math classroom.

KIN 854

As a director or coach of any type of athletic program it is very important to be familiar with all of the laws and rules that govern their program.  This class provided a lot of good examples of lawsuits that other programs have had to deal with in the past because of not following certain rules or laws.  We also talked about how having policies and procedures in place will lower risks and increase the safety of athletes, coaches, and spectators.

Rick Atkinson, Spring 2015

Legal and Administrative Issues for Administrators and Coaches

Patricia Edwards, Spring 2015

Accommodating Differences in Literacy Learners

ED 800

It is interesting to see how education has evolved over the years.  In this class we looked at how inquiry and education had began a long time ago and how things have changed and stayed the same over time.  We spent time reading different novels and writing papers to discuss the philosophical, historical, pyschological, biological, and biographical concepts of education inquiry were displayed.  We also took a look at the roles of information and communications technologies in inquiry that are present today.

KIN 855

In this coaching class we looked at a process that coaches can use to make beneficial decisions for the good of their athletes.  We also spent time looking at how an athletes  performance is affected by pyschological factors and how a coach can help intrinsically and extrinsically motivate an athlete.  Another thing that is really important for a coach to do is to set goals for the team and individual athletes.  They also need to be able to help the athletes meet these goals and reflect on their progess of the goals.

Scott Weiland, Fall 2014

Concepts of Educational Inquiry

Andy Driska, Fall 2014

Psychosocial Bases of Coaching Athletes

TE 803

In the classrom it is not only important to know the specific content you are teaching, but to also be a good role model in the classroom for the students and to be able to figure out how to help all  of your students.  In this class we talked about strategies for achieving our first job after graduation by making a well-written resume, discussing professional attire and behaviors, and how to successfully answer interview questions.  We also talked about why it is important to create good communication between the students, their family, and other colleagues in the building to make all students successful.

This class was a continuation of TE 803 that we took in the fall of our internship year.  Since we had taken the first semester to analyze research methods and ways to incoporate inquiry and discussion in the classroom, this semester was all about putting what we learned into action.  The second semester of our internship was when we really started taking over the lead in our classrooms.  We had to create a few lessons that involved inquiry and discussion and implement them in our classrooms.  We also had to record the lessons while we taught them so that we could watch them back and reflect on the lessons to write a paper.

TE 804

Professional Roles and Teaching Practice 2

Christina Jenkins, Spring 2012
Michael Steele, Spring 2012

Reflection and Inquiry in Teaching Practice 2

TE 802
Michael Steele, Fall 2011

During this class we focused a lot of our time on high-level thinking mathematical tasks.  We spent time in class completing these tasks, discussing them with colleagues, looking at student work and research, and then discussing how we could implement tasks like these into our own classrooms.  The goal of this class was to find ways to incorporate discussion and inquiry into our mathematics classroom.

Reflection and Inquiry in Teaching Practice 1

For my Master of Arts in Education (MAED) degree I decided to concentrate in Sports Leadership and Coaching.  Below you will find a list of the courses, as well as a description of each course, that I took to obtain this degree at Michigan State University.

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